Calendrier 2024  Kalender 2024 

Unique opportunities ! Don't miss them !

Ven. Rigzin Jatsön Rinpoché 

will preside over the Kagyu Meunlam Rituals  from  21 to 23/06 at Yeunten Ling

will visit the Nalanda Institute on 26/06/2024 at 8pm for a teaching on the Bardo 

will give the Guru Rinpoche Initiation on 27/06/2024 at 7:30pm at the Tibetan Insitute in Schoten

 will give a teaching about and the Initiation of Vajrayogini on 30/06/2024 at Yeunten Ling and

will preside over the Kagyü Meunlam Prayers from 5 to 7/07/2024 at Yeunten Ling 

                                                                ATTENTION : EXCEPTIONNALLY NO GUIDED VISIT ON SUNDAY JUNE 30TH 2024 !!!

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